Sunday, September 2, 2012

The sunflower....  Takes me back to a simple time.  As a child, the world was innocent, fresh and exciting.  A time when I could see Rock 'N' Roll High School with the Ramones, on cable T.V. , 1979 that is, the best year of my life.  I  won a  boy scout award that year... Most "Scout-a-Rama" tickets sold in my town.  Sold like 900 and some tickets, at a buck apiece.  I won a plaque (which hangs on my wall today), and a sleeping bag,  job well done.  It was always said, that I could sell ice to the Eskimos.... Now I live in Alaska, and realize how absurd that notion can be.

  1979...... picking mulberries, with my hippie parents, setting trap lines for catfish, watching the mega-fireworks show,  or picking wild plums or asparagus.  Getting a tan at the public pool, and showing my high dive skills to all the girls around me.  ... with no knowledge of the tempestuous world around me.  Gas crisis, unrest in the Middle East... crooks for politicians.  Wait... are we talking about the past, or now??    

  These are a few of the things I think about, when I see a sunflower.... Tell me, what do you think of??

Monday, August 27, 2012

Mountain Flora - Hatcher's Pass, Alaska

  In the mountains, the breeze across the flora...  I Lie down, upon the grass and plants.  I see the geometry, the flowers, the plants that make the lifeblood..... The heartbeat.  And among the leaves, the stalks talk to me. They call upon me, the nature of being. Soul, and everlasting.... Love, and existence.